Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More about September fungi

I did say I had plenty of photos of fungi. I've sorted through them and am amazed at the variety. Some are typical, common; others are strange things I've not seen the likes of...

They're growing everywhere and anywhere... some places I think are interesting. Like this little set growing out of the trench of the bark on a fallen tree.

This one may be a little difficult to make out, but it's an old, mossy stack of logs that were long ago cut for firewood and forgotten... rotting away and this year hosting a little puff shroom festival.

At least they look like those puff shrooms.

This one was growing about 10 feet up in an old limb hole of a live tree.

Another limb hole dweller, this one deciding to see what's on the ground below it.

This growth is like lava coming out of an old, mossy crotch of a cottonwood tree.

Once you start noticing all the fungi, you see more and more of them. Everywhere fungi!

More fungi photos to come. Oh, goodie, something to look forward to...

1 comment:

  1. Love the fungi pics! Makes me miss fall at home. :( I miss you! Love ya!

