Monday, January 22, 2007


Well, I care what I had for lunch today. I brought from home an orange roughy fillet, grilled, baked butternut squash and steamed asparagus. Sounds good, doesn't it? For some reason it was all awful. The squash tasted like soap, the asparagus tasted like a cellar smells and the fish was blah. Dammit. Lot of work for nothin'.


After I parked my car this morning in the parking lot at work, I walked around my car and kicked off the "snow boogers" (as my kids call 'em). Now my right big toe hurts.


I have a page from one of those page-a-day calendars on my cubicle wall from November 5, 2000... I think it was one of the "stupidest things ever said" kind. It has a quote from Monte Clark, former Detroit Lions coach: The key to this whole business is sincerity. Once you can fake that, you've got it made.


I sent my daughter a smart-ass text message to her cell the other day, and all she sent back was a text that read "w/e". I could not figure that one out, and I had to ask Sammy... Whatever. She knows I hate that response. She sure got me on that one.


Sammy told me this morning on the drive to his school that his arms hurt from playing tennis and boxing. On the Wii. Oh, right.

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