Friday, July 14, 2006


In the kitchen last night, while I was trying to make room in the frige for the leftovers from dinner:
Me: Joycie, here, put what's left of this macaroni salad into a small bowl.
Joycie, opening the large bowl: Oh my gosh, this stinks.
Me: Yes, it's the onions, the lovely onions.
Joycie: It stinks worse than that, it smells like bad plastic.
M: You're nuts.
J: Seriously, Mom, I don't think you should eat this.
M: It's fine, just put it in a bowl for me.
J: But Mom, I really don't think you should eat this. I'm not only worried about your health, I'm worried about your halitosis.

Later, still in the kitchen:
Me, in response to yet another smart crack: You have 3 zits on your forehead.
Joycie: There are only 2 there.
M: Yeah, but they're really big.
J: Thanks. What's that on your face?
J: Oh, that's your face. Sorry.

This evening, sitting in my folks' living room, visiting:
Sammy, interrupting our conversation & totally off topic: I think Mother Nature's name is Mona.
Me: WHAT?!
Sammy: I think Mother Nature's name is Mona.
Me: What the hell are you talking about?
Sammy: You know, Mo from Mother and na from Nature.
My Dad: Mother Nature gets blamed for a lot of things she doesn't really do.
Me: [nothing to say at this point]

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