Thursday, February 24, 2005

A Great Gift to Give My Daughter

Tuesday evening my 16-year-old daughter and I went to a beautiful salon/spa, laid on a bed in a little room and I paid Big Money to have us each tortured in turn. Any web site you read that uses the words "painless" and "laser hair removal" together is not to be trusted.

I cannot find the right words to explain fully how much it hurt.

And yep, we're gonna do it again. It takes more than 1 treatment for permanent hair removal. And it's really, really expensive*. I can't even afford it, so I haven't yet figured out all the details.... yikes.

But never having to shave our legs and pits again, plus some other formerly hairy areas, makes it worthwhile.

Think of it, 16 years old and never having to shave your legs again. How awesome is that. Worth every single penny and all the pain**.

*If I were rich, this story may have been different. Anesthetics = too much added cost. I think. Anyway, you know damn well that all those bodyhairless rich bitches got totally good drugs first and didn't feel a thing.

**I am not going to session #2 sober &/or unmedicated. Medication for daughter, also. What the hell, if she wants beer, that, too!

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