Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Internet Game Rooms

My 9-year-old son introduced me to an Internet game room -- it's one that's like Pictionary. I won't plug it here, because I think it's awful. Not the game. The game is great. It's the people that play it. And the language they use. And the name-calling. And the sheer, blatant stupidity. Anonymity can sometimes surely breed the baseness of character. There's so many mean-spirited, gutter-mouthed jerks in there, that, Of Course, my son is forevermore banned from the game.

While you're playing the game, other users can "whisper" to you, so you can have this personal chat while you're playing. It took me a while to figure out that "asl" means age/sex/location. I had to finally ask a whisperer. It was a 15-year-old girl from Louisiana. Who knows? Maybe that's true. Maybe it is also true that she's as sexy as she says she is. I whispered back that she should find a better way to meet people. (My daughter is 15....) She told me to go f*** myself and called me a mf.... and that I was a f***ing a**hole and that I should f***ing die. .... Nice.

Hey, lesson learned. My family's gonna stick to the regular, actual, tangible board games. Name calling limit of "turd" or "ratfink".

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