Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ahhh... That's Better

I have The Best Husband In The World!

Once again, this is about coffee. Kev is working midnights this week, so I was up getting ready for work while the kiddos slept and Kev not yet home. Just me and Reilly up and about. Since I got up a tad bit late, I wasn't exactly rushing around, but not lollygagging either. Without really meaning to, I left the house without making any coffee. Not good.

By the time I got into work, a small headache had begun. Probably psychosomatic, but there, nonetheless.

My doll of a husband got out of work about the time I was getting into work, and he went to a local coffee shop and bought me one of the largest, most lusciously excellent cups of coffee I've ever had. With a triple shot of espresso. Yum. And he delivered it to my door. (Well, I had to go out to the parking lot and get it from him, since he can't enter my workplace. No unescorted visitors allowed.)

I feel so much better now.

And now that I think of it, the headache was probably from all the wine last night. We had some friends over yesterday evening, John and Canice. They are in town househunting, finally moving back to the States from Hong Kong. We're happy they'll be in our neck of the woods again! Yay!!

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