Saturday, July 11, 2009


Kev and I went for 4wheeler ride this evening, and it was a gorgeous evening. Still is... got all the windows open and a nice, cool breeze coming in.

Kev's big field out back is coming up mostly with tall grasses, but it's beautiful.

We saw a doe with her twin fawns in the woods. We've seen them up around the pond, and we were able to turn off the 4wheeler and watch them for a bit before they bounded off.

Kevin, Turtle Rescuer

Back in the first days of the month of June, Kev found a turtle at work and brought it home in a box...

Yes, a turtle...

and because no self-respecting, intelligent turtle would want to live in a chemical plant, he set it free in our pond...

Good-bye very happy turtle, no super powers in your future.

Kevin: Hero of All Natural Turtles Everywhere.

I have so many, many things yet to blog about, going back to last May. By last May, I really mean May 2008. To present. I have taken blogging procrastination to a Whole New Level. I should do something about it...